擁有設計界奧斯卡美稱的 A'Design 國際設計大獎為全球最大且涉及國家和地區最多的設計比賽,每年皆吸引來自世界各地上萬件作品前來參賽,2019年參賽作品來自於99個國家和地區,98個不同的設計領域,參賽作品全部都由極具國際影響力的知名學者、著名媒體成員、創意設計專業人士和有經驗的企業家組成的評審團進行公平仔細的審察,評審團都傾注了極大的精力和關心,謹慎仔細地對每件參賽作品進行評估。
今年非常榮幸,建築旅人品牌總監 呂宗儒Johnny、Nicole所操刀之作品《三疊泉.Sandiquen》從全球作品中脫穎而出,榮獲2019 A’Design Award設計-建築設計類銀獎!
度假酒店概念設計 Resort Concept Design
作品简介:三疊泉,來自江西的深山,以層層疊加的瀑布著名,中國著名詩人蘇東坡曾在此一遊,並寫下詩句: 不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中。 中國人深信,天無絕人之處,只要改以不同角度思考人生,便能豁然開朗。因此借助廬山的形象,將詩的意象量體化,在建築中表達出東方人的轉換視角而豁達的人生哲理。 隱 : 建築體“隱”藏在山體中,使人自世俗中轉換心境,如同古人的隱居,脫離世俗的紛擾,能真正在山中享受寧靜「轉換視角」,便能看到一片新的天地。 疊:建築體的層層疊加,與垂直錯位,轉換空間思考的角度,引導人轉換思維,能帶給居住者,全然不同的心境。 泉:透過格柵打造出泉水流洩而下的意象,透過光與影在不同的時分,打造出流動性,同時也具有保護隱私的功能.
Sandiequan , a waterfall nestles from the deep mountain , Lushan in China, which is famous for its cascade of waterfalls flows throw the mountain.The ancient Chinese poet, Dongpo Su once visited this place and wrote the verse: "I don't realize the true face of the mountain, because I am now part of it" , it refers that If you think about life from different angles, you will be able to open up your mind . Therefore, with the image of Lushan , the imagery of poetry is quantified , philosophy of life that is open-minded by the Orientals is expressed in the Architect. The building hidden in the mountain, which transforms the mind from the secular to the turmoil of the world, like the sec;usion of the ancients, peoplecan truly enjoy the tranquility in the mountains. The layers of the building are superimposed, and the vertical dislocation, the angle of thinking of the conversion space, guides people to change their thinking, and can bring occupants a completely different state of mind.The perception of this design uses the subtractive approach, which is irregular (parts are dissimilar) forms contained within regular form. In the construction method, use friendly environment, the building and main wall are used local materials and stones to eliminate the transportation waste , the grille is made of aluminum.